Thursday, September 25, 2014

Chocolate Chilli a Food Faux pas?

Trends are constantly changing with in the food industry. I've noticed that savoury flavours combined with chocolate, or sweet deserts is the "new thing" these days. To most of us these flavours combined may sound horrendous, however they actually do work and in combination creating a firework of explorative and unique flavours. One flavour that caught my eye in particular would defiantly be chocolate and chilli. I never for thought that it could possibly work, although the spiciness of the chilli is soothed by the sweetness of the chocolate or confectionery. It just gives it that extra "pop" of flavour. What do you think of combining savoury with sweet? and if you could what flavours would you combine? My recomendation of product would be the Green and Blacks Chocolate and Chilli chocolate bar, it's organic too which is an added bonus! Chocolate shavings of this is absolutely delicious on our fluffy organic candy floss.

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